Our Be the Model strategic plan directs the work we do in the Office of Teaching & Learning. Specifically, the plan calls for our college to "be an exemplar of the best teaching, demonstrating leadership by adopting innovative, at-scale approaches to teaching and learning to improve student outcomes." Teaching and Learning supports the college's ongoing effort to restructure our curriculum, shifting it toward a new educational paradigm that centers on our learners. A two-year long project to map all core course contact hours was a huge first step towards ongoing curricular refinement.
Some of our work focuses support for these efforts identified as tactics to support the strategic plan:
- Integration of the Clinical Skills Lab into the preclinical and clinical core curriculum.
- Examination of content delivery and scaffolding across years 1 to 3.
- Implementation of more active learning to better engage students.
- Redistribution clinical competencies across the curriculum in accordance with American Veterinary Medical Association outcomes and the American Association of Veterinary Medical College's competency domains and Entrustable Professional Activities.
- Establishment of a college-wide assessment program for the core curriculum.
- Examination of a competency-based curricula that avoid a rigid lock-step and time-based program.
- Provide and promote sharing of best practices and training.
- Incentives that reward clinical teaching.
- Use of learning analytics to evaluate instructional effectiveness and student achievement of competencies.
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