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Additional Resources on Peer Review

The Consortium of West Region CVM's External Peer Review Initiative: The RTA’s Educator’s Promotion Packet guidelines and format are intended to (a) to provide an evidence-based dossier template for faculty with significant teaching and/or educational leadership responsibilities, so that (b) promotion packets might be more fairly and rigorously reviewed – including, ideally, by qualified external reviewers.

The Colorado State CVMBS Academy for Teaching and Learning strives to support excellence in teaching and learning by promoting educational innovations and by providing educational services for veterinary and biomedical sciences faculty in the areas of teaching, educational research, service, and outreach. Peer review through collaborton is part of the offerings.

The University of Nebraska Peer Review Project: The Peer Review of Teaching Project aims to engage faculty in documenting, assessing, and improving student learning and performance via extensive analysis and reflection on course development, instructional strategies, classroom activities, and students’ work.

Cornell University offers guidelines to departments and colleges developing peer review programming.

UCLA provides a sampling of peer evaluation procedures from departments across campus, including examples of evaluation forms and notices soliciting faculty assistance in the evaluation of their colleagues.  

The University of Tennessee's College of Veterinary Medicine offers these Guidelines for Effective Peer Review of Teaching.

From the University of Texas at Austin: Good teachers continually learn and develop. Peer Review, which combines the examination of course materials with in-class observations and collegial discussion, helps prompt this learning among faculty. Ideally, these interactions and conversations can create opportunities for us as colleagues to reflect on and adapt our teaching practices in order to become better teachers and increase student learning.